Hooray! You’ve finally made the decision that the time is right to get that extension built, remodel the kitchen, convert the loft or turn the garage from dumping ground into your dream yoga studio! However, in amongst all the excitement of planning wallpaper and how much you are going to love your new space and use it only for throwing elegant soirées (instead of watching TV and eating takeaways!), it is important to properly think through your plans before you even consider starting to put them into action. In many cases it can be a good idea to get an experienced local builder round to look at your space and discuss potential options and what can realistically be achieved – and the friendly Mudgeeraba builders of Renovate Carpentry & Construction could be just the people!

Along with this there are some other essential steps that you should take now, to ensure that you end up with a dream home and not a nightmare project.

Really think about your design

It may be that you want to engage the services of an architect right from the outset and get them to guide you through the design process. However, even if you do choose to go down this route then it is always a good idea to have some concrete thoughts down on paper even before your first meeting. Why not try sitting down and drawing out your proposed space and thinking about how you would really use it and how the flow of the space will work. Getting these details right now will ultimately save you time and money than if you have to start making amends to the project once it is in progress.

Get proper drawings

In many cases it is almost impossible for a builder to be able to provide an accurate quote for the cost and timescale of your project if they don’t have proper, accurate drawings to work from. Depending on the type and extent of your project you may need drawings to get planning permission and building regulations’ approval anyway. But you will also find that with proper drawings you can see exactly what will be required for your space and plan accordingly.

Sort out the money

Far too many building projects end up being seriously compromised or even abandoned all together as a result of running out of money part way through. So it is important to secure your finances early on, set a budget and then stick to it. Also don’t forget to include a contingency, as even the simplest looking project could end up uncovering something unexpected which could leave you without the funds to finish if you haven’t already planned for the worst.

To discuss any thoughts or ideas you may have about turning your house into your dream home, or even just getting that leaky roof fixed before you find yourself sitting through another winter surrounded by buckets catching the drips, contact the friendly builders at Renovate today – we’re always happy to pop round for a chat – and we only take 17 sugars in our tea!